How Bad do You Want it? — Loc'd In Fitness Training and Sports
How Bad do You Want it?

How Bad do You Want it?

I’m pretty sure the majority of us have heard the saying “good things come to those who wait”. Which is true but also comes with a catch. Sometimes in waiting for that “good thing” to come about an array of different situations and factors can arise altering both desire and motivation. We’ve all experienced this firsthand. How many hands do you need to count the number of times you were hungry but became occupied by something, whatever it was, not eating? I know I would require more than the two YAH gave me. The point I’m making is if you want something get after it!

As a kid, my family would say I was impatient. Very impatient to be honest and to be honest I agreed with them. Now looking back as an adult living over a thousand miles away from home, I agree I was impatient but only in certain situations. I feel that now I just wanted whatever it was at that time extremely bad. Whether it was to go hang out with friends or to buy a new video game. At an early age, I already knew what it meant to exhaust all options. I’m telling you I’m asking everybody for a favor, TWICE! This later turned into persistence. I still have this same mentality but I’ll be da*ned if I ask you twice.

I don’t care what anyone tells you, best friend or family, I was a sh*tbag kid. I wouldn’t say I was a troublemaker or whatever you wanna call me but I was always in the wrong place wrong time, most likely on purpose, but hey pressure is either going bust pipes or make diamonds. There was this one time my older brother Dolph jr. Had to come to pick me up from XYZ because I wanted something so bad it could’ve ruined my life. I eventually learned that there are better ways to go about things from that situation but my overall point was to show you that being so heads rung over something can also put you in some choppy waters.

On the other hand, again how badly do you want it? As a kid and even still now and again I have the desire to buy a new video game. As a kid, as you know, you are mostly relying on your parents' income until you are old enough to be a bagger at the grocery store or a cashier at a fast food chain. On my soul, you can ask my mother, I was wanting to work and make money when I was 13. My first job was at 15 working the drive-through at Panera Bread, shout-out to Mrs.Fanfan for the opportunity. Even earlier my dads' friend Mr. Floyd let me work at his car wash on the weekends when I was about 12/13, the same time I was helping Mr.Ed at his barbecue stand around the corner. Again shoutout to both of them for everything they taught me. I took control and responsibility for my wants and did everything I could to put myself in the position to get what I wanted, you have to do the same.

In the end, be persistent but be patient. Good things do come to those who wait but wait too long and potentially get skipped over. Put as much initiative into your passions as you put into the work you do for your employer. If you spend extra time at your employer on completing a project before a deadline, your better put in the same amount of time or effort towards whatever you’re passionate about or makes you happy. Always remember to take care of yourself first, we’ll talk more about that next week.

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